Gissel B.
Before becoming a FitPath Coaching member I was struggling on my health and fitness journey. I wanted to go to the gym but I didn’t know what to do or where to start. I was also very shy so I didn’t want to go alone. I tried Zumba for a while but I got bored of it quickly and felt awkward because I didn’t know anyone there. So I would dance basically in the corner. I was depressed because I would look in the mirror and not be happy with what I saw and on top of that I was always in pain with my back and knees. I saw a post on Facebook from my now coach about how she was accepting members. At that moment I decided Im done with feeling bad about myself and feeling awful. I decided it’s was time to make a change.
The first aspect of my membership that I find beneficial for me reaching my goal is getting to work out with other members during my session. I’m a shy person, so having two or three other people there that I know makes me feel more comfortable and confident being at the gym. It’s also nice to give and receive cheers when we get through a rough workout.
Another aspect is getting to see my trainer twice a week. It’s nice to have a professional making sure I do my workouts right so I don’t get hurt. It’s also nice to get fitness advice from someone I trust.
Some turning points in my life that I have experienced since starting are:
1. I can do split squats pretty good now. When I started they were so hard to do. There were many times I want to just skip them when I was working out. But Grace is always watching so I just had to keep pushing with them. Now I’m like “oh yeah I can do them” “oh yeah I can totally go up in weights for these”.
2. I can touch my toes!!!! Believe it or not but I just never could do it.
3. Less pains. As I said, I was always having back pains and knee pains. And getting up was a pain but now it is a lot better. I’m not saying it 100% went away because trust me the pain is still there but not as awful as it use to be.
4. My mental health. Seeing myself do things I was never able to do before in the gym has helped me overcome things in my everyday life. Now when life gets hard I just think about how I can get through it because if I can physically push through a hard workout then I can get through the days when my brain doesn’t want to be nice. I can get through a rough work day.
Honestly I feel like a new person!
To anyone who is struggling to get stared on your health and fitness journey or is hitting a rough spot here is the advice from a girl who learned how to overcome the same struggles.
Your body is so much stronger than you think. You may think there are things you will never be able to do but let me tell you one thing, you can do it. The thing is, you’ll never know what you can really do with out trying. You may not be able to do whatever it is you want to accomplish right away but with time, patience and consistency you will get there. It won’t be easy and you will fall but always remember tomorrow is a new day and you can start over. Some days you will feel like a beast and other days you will just be glad that the workout is over but keep going and keep pushing.
Remind yourself why you want to do this, what your goal is and keep moving towards it. And once you meet that goal set a new one, that way you always have a reason to keep going. Always know you are strong, amazing and a fighter. And if I, a person who always made an excuse to not start, can do it. Then you can do it too! I look back at where I was when I started and think to myself “She has no idea idea how amazingly strong she is”. It will be so worth your time to put yourself first.