Level Up Your New Years Resolutions
It’s finally January and we’ve survived one of the hardest calendar years in our lifetime!
Give yourself a high five, a gold star and a pat on the back!!! Seriously, you deserve it.
And if you’re like most of the people I’ve spoken to, 2020 was really about just that: surviving.
Any big plans that we had set for ourselves at the start of last year were probably derailed by the time April rolled around. It may have felt like a mental exercise just remembering what day of the week it was! The goal then became trying to just survive the year with our sanity somewhat intact and minimal scarring!
So, now that we’ve said ‘PEACE OUT’ to the dumpster fire that was 2020, it likely feels like you can finally take a deep breath, look ahead and make some future plans and resolutions for the upcoming year.
You may be surprised to hear that I don’t really make New Year’s Resolutions.
Well, not in the traditional sense…
You see, most New Years Resolutions are merely statements of intent.
Examples of common resolutions include: “I’m going to get in the best shape of my life” or “I’m going to finally quit my job and start my own business!”
But statements of intent don’t get the job done. They’re about as useful as making a wish when you blow out your birthday candles. MAYBE it comes true—I mean, I really hope that all of your dreams come true—but that’s exactly the point: we’re just wishing and hoping.
I believe that we can do better than that.
Your goals are too important to leave them up to fate. I want you to be able to make some actual progress.
Which is why I encourage you not to make Resolutions. That’s right, I said it—don’t make them.
Instead, I want you to think about making an ACTION PLAN.
At the beginning of 2020, I shot a quick tutorial video, teaching the simple but powerful goal setting process that I use to achieve my biggest goals. I watched it again a few weeks ago, and it is still just as pertinent today as it was last January. So, I want to share it with you today!
Click the video below to learn this easy technique that will transform your Resolutions!
In just 4 quick minutes, I walk you through the simple steps to clarify your biggest goals and create an action plan to ENSURE that you will reach them!
I think that you deserve to have some WINS in 2021! So, I want you to commit to LEVELING UP your New Year’s Resolutions for 2021!
Let’s make 2021 all about TAKING ACTION!
Take what lessons we can from 2020, leave the rest in the past, and look forward to what, I hope, will be your best and most successful year yet!
And if you’d like some further guidance and a step-by-step guide to taking action on your biggest Fitness Goals this year, by sure to download my 5 Step Fitness Action Plan + Workbook HERE!
Feel free to leave a comment below to let me know if this was helpful for you. I invite you to share what your Goals & Action Steps will be for 2021!